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 Donation Rewards

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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2009-03-13

Donation Rewards Empty
PostSubject: Donation Rewards   Donation Rewards I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 6:14 pm

Here are the donation rewards for donating

Note: You must donate real Cash to get these items!

EraScape's Paypal Account:

--Energy Sword--
Cost: $3.50
Stats: Great
Examine Info: One of the best weapons in EraScape
Spec: Hits Great
Donation Rewards 2liaopc

-- Orange Partyhat --
Cost: 1.50
Stats: Great
Examine Info: A rare partyhat that came from a cracker.
Spec: Just Looks Sexy
: Donation Rewards 25hk2zb

-- Donator Rank --
Cost: 1.00
Stats: None but yelling.
Info: This rank is nice, you're respect and treated well.

Picture:Donation Rewards Donator

I'll finish list later, here all the customs atm

Nechrobaly Scimatar
Dragon Claws
Toxic Whip
Dragon Platebody
Bronze Whip
Iron Whip
Steel Whip
Black Whip
Mithril Whip
Adamant Whip
Rune Whip
Dragon Whip
Gold Whip
White Whip
White d'hide chaps
white d'hide body
White d'hide vamb
Black Partyhat
Burgundy Partyhat
Orange Partyhat
Bandos Whip
Gilded d-hide
Gilded d-hide chaps
Gilded d'hide vambs
Dragon Defender
Green dchain
Green dragon platelegs
Yellow dlegs
purple dlegs
Green dlegs
Steel Platelegs(g)
Bronze Platelegs(g)
Iron Platelegs(g)
Bronze Platebody(g)
Iron platebody(g)
steel platebody(g)
Mithril platebody(g)
Mithril platelegs(g)
Bronze Full helm(g)
Iron full helm (g)
Steel full helm(g)
Mithril full helm(g)
Barrows Defender
Wizard Cape
Dragon warhammers
Black hween mask
White hween mask
Dragon Kiteshield
Dragon pickaxe
Gold Hween mask

Remember, you must make a thread in the donating section on how much you donated, and which item you like, or donator rank.

There's more, i'll finish list later but here's the items.
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